Friday, August 14, 2009

DCE Social Studies Goals 09-10

Welcome back DCE social studies teachers! Our department goals for 2009-10 will focus again on instruction and assessment of student learning. I look forward to working with you all.

1. Improve student learning through the use of argumentative literacy.

- implement strategic learning strategies learned in the Doug Buehl workshop and through reading Janet Allen's book Reading History.

- implement discussion formats like socratic circles, 2x2 debates, retelling, 5 plus 1 format, etc. in order for students to learn argumentative discussion skills.

- improve writing experiences for students through the use of model papers, common assessment rubrics, APPARTS, GSPRITE, and other strategies that will enhance expository writing.

2. Continue Vertical Teaming of Social Studies concepts and skills grades 5 - 12 to improve student learning.

- Implement the Thinking Like a Historian framework at all grade levels (Cause and Effect, Change and Continuity, Turning Points, Using the Past and Through Their Eyes)

3. Increase the use of 21st century technology as a learning/assessment tool in the social studies classroom.

- Use podcasting with students via the use of the digital recorder.
- Continue using blogs with students to enhance writing and discussion experiences.
- Implement use of Google Docs
- Use other Web 2.0 tools to engage students in the learning e.g., wikis, delicious bookmarking, graphic design tools - glogster.
- Develop a PLN (Professional Learning Network)

4. Continue the use of Professional Learning Communities (PLC's) to improve assessment of learning.

- continue to identify and refine unit power standards
- provide daily learning target/objective for students
- continue to write objective common assessments, gather data for remediation and to modify instruction.
- begin/continue to develop common assessment to evaluate student writing
- continue to check for understanding by implementing a variety of strategies for formative assessment. Use this feedback to modify instruction.

5. Continue the use of authentic (hands on) instruction/assessment in the social studies classroom.
- continue 9th grade field trip to Washington D.C.
- promote the use of oral history in the classroom through the oral history project.
- continue authentic project learning through the History Day program.
- implement authentic tasks like attending county board meetings, going on archaeological digs, creating a Civil War Wall, simulating Roman culture through Rome Days, Panic, Forensic Science experiements and simulations, psych sims, Feudalism play, etc.
- use performance based assessments

1 comment:

Mr. Bergstrom said...

I really like goal #3! It is an exciting time to incorporate web 2.0 technologies into the classroom!