Monday, July 16, 2012

Social Studies Staff and Extra-curricular Activities

Our Social Studies staff are involved in so many different extra-curricular activities that benefit students. One of those activities in the "Gaming Club."

D.C. Everest Gaming Club is one of the most fun and unique organizations to ever exist among our district.  We are involved in many different events, such as Evercon, and run our club to the standards of any government, with a high council, secretary, treasurer, and the vice president and president positions.  
Evercon is a gaming convention that occurs every year.  We hold gaming tournaments and other functions to raise money for many different charities and other groups.  Some of the groups we have donated to in the past consist of The Red Cross, D.C. Everest’s own Civil War Day, and other traditional charities.  One newer item that we donate the most to is the Gaming Club Scholarship Fund.  We give out a large amount of money every year to a gaming club member who has been an active participant since their days back at the Junior High.  This year, Ian Welsh, a longtime member of the club, earned the scholarship.  
Other parts of the club, such as the high council, are used to dictate club events and activities in a democratic way. The high council consists of 6 different positions: The 8th grade representative, the 9th grade representative, the secretary, treasurer, vice president, and president. The 8th grade and 9th grade representative positions are obtained in two different ways:  as an 8th grade representative, you can obtain your position by being a highly involved, responsible, respectable member.  As a 9th grade representative, you can obtain your position by running for a position such as secretary or treasurer, or even president or vice president, and not succeeding in being elected for this position.  Mr. Ammon will then designate you as a representative, or a rep (as we call it).
All of the positions that members are elected for are separated into two political parties.  The candidates for these positions can chose to join either party.  This year, our two political parties were the Dungeon Masters and the Black Rogues.  Parties are allowed to campaign with flyers and other ways to sway members into voting for them.  Near the end of the campaign, presidential and vice presidential candidates will create speeches to present to their fellow members at a designated gaming club meeting before the election.  The speeches can contain anything: What they will do for their club in this position, “smack talk” about the other candidates, or just why they want to be your president or vice president.  
Gaming Club strives to be one of the greatest organizations in our district, and will continue to do as much as we can to help our school events and local charities.
Finally, I would like to inform you about an upcoming event: The Open Gaming at Westonfest on July 21st from Noon-4:00 for “Open Gaming” with the public in our very own Tent of Wisdom!   Set up will be at 11:30 a.m.!  This is at Kennedy Park!  Invite friends!  Bring games!  Bring food and drink, but there may be food and drink available for purchase!  Furthermore, we also have events in the Junior High cafeteria from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. on August 8th & 29th.   Please enter through the lunch room doors.   
Written by: 
Bailey Hughes, 
Vice President of the D.C. Everest Gaming Club

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